Casiana Dusa
Casiana Dusa is a lawyer and legal advisor, mainly focused on contract law, corporate and commercial law, arbitration and international law.
She has great experience as an international lawyer, as a legal consultant at Dubai International Financial Center - DIFC and a collaborating lawyer at the Bucharest Bar Association. Currently, she is a senior associate at Cristofor Vladu & Asociatii, a partner of Luzone Legal.
Dusa holds a master's degree in International Commercial Arbitration from the University of Stockholm and a bachelor degree from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bucharest, in addition to being certified by Harvard University in Contract Law; the Hague Academy of International Law, in Private International Law; and by the International Chamber of Commerce, in ICC Arbitration and Incoterms.
With the current partnership with Luzone Legal, Casiana Dusa is Luzone Legal's focal point for legal issues related to Romanian Business and Commercial Law and in international business with the United Arab Emirates.