Daniel Santana
Daniel Santana Pereira holds a bachelor degree in Law from Centro Universitário Fluminense and he holds a MBA in Tax Law from FGV/RJ. He is also a member of ABRADT (Brazilian Association of Tax Law) and has more than 15 years of experience in the market, accumulating extensive experience in the areas of immigration and tax law.
In addition to being fluent in English, Santana has a lato sensu postgraduate degree in Public Advocacy from ESAP/PGE-RJ (Escola Superior de Advocacia Pública), with the Attorney General's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Daniel offers analyzes and opinions on tax topics, taking into account legislation and guidance from administrative and judicial jurisprudence. In the litigation area, he works in the preparation of defenses and appeals in administrative and judicial tax proceedings, as well as in legal actions questioning the demand for taxes levied illegally at the municipal, state and federal levels. Its consultancy work includes the administrative recovery of tax credits, tax planning and tax transactions (offers in compromise - OIC), as well as consultancy for foreigners who become tax residents in Brazil.