Luzone Legal esteve presente na UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy
Luzone Legal was present at UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy

Luzone Legal esteve presente na UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy
Luzone Legal Advogados esteve presente em mais uma edição do UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy, evento realizado no Copacabana Palace e organizado pelo Departamento de Comércio Internacional do Reino Unido com o objetivo de compartilhar conhecimentos e consolidar parcerias estratégicas entre o Reino Unido e o Brasil.
O evento permitiu a troca de experiências entre empresas britânicas e brasileiras, instituições e órgãos governamentais, além de oferecer uma plataforma para novas tecnologias a serem apresentadas e discussões sobre as mais recentes inovações e desafios do setor.
Luzone Legal Advogados foi representada pelo Dr. Leandro Luzone. Na fotos, Dr. Luzone está ladeado pelo Cônsul Geral Britânico do Rio de Janeiro, Sr. Simon Wood, e pelo IADC Regional Advisor Brazil, Sr. Roberto Paschoalin.
Luzone Legal was present at UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy
Luzone Legal was present at another edition of UK & Brazil - Partners in Energy, an event held at Copacabana Palace and organized by the UK Department of International Trade to share knowledge and consolidate strategic partnerships between UK and Brazil.
The event allowed the exchange of experiences between British and Brazilian companies, institutions and government agencies, as well as offering a platform for new technologies to be presented and discussions about the latest innovations and challenges in the sector.
Luzone Legal Advogados was represented by Dr. Leandro Luzone. In the photos, Dr. Luzone is with the British General Consul of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Simon Wood, and the IADC Regional Advisor Brazil, Mr. Roberto Paschoalin.