Leandro Luzone participa de Cerimônia de Premiação em Segurança com representantes da ANP
Leandro Luzone attends Safety Award Ceremony with ANP representatives

No último sábado, 08 de dezembro, o advogado Leandro Luzone participou da Cerimônia de Premiação em Segurança do IADC Brazil Chapter, realizada em Macaé.
Juntamente com os representates da Agência Nacional de Petróleo e oficiais do IADC, Leandro Luzone premiou os gerentes de sondas e plataformas de perfuração que finalizaram o ano de 2018 sem acidentes.
Participaram da tradicional premiação do Safety Award Cremony 2018 do IADC Brazil Chapter os representantes da ANP, Srs. Marcelo Mafra (Head of Safety Operations & Environment), Sr. Alex Garcia (Audit and Inspector Advisor) e a Sra. Mariana França (Well and Drilling Cordinator).
Last Saturday, December 08, the lawyer Leandro Luzone participated in the IADC Brazil Chapter Security Awards Ceremony, held in Macaé.
Together with the representatives of the National Petroleum Agency and IADC officers, Leandro Luzone awarded the managers of drilling rigs and platforms that ended the year of 2018 without accidents.
The representatives of the ANP, Mr. Marcelo Mafra (Head of Safety Operations & Environment), Sr. Alex Garcia (Audit and Inspector Advisor) e a Sra. Mariana França (Well and Drilling Cordinator) participated in the traditional IADC Brazil Chapter Safety Award Cremony 2018.