Categoria: Luzone Legal

Luzone Legal é uma das apoiadoras do Brazil Energy Meeting

Luzone Legal is one of the supporters of the Brazil Energy Meeting

A Luzone Legal participou do evento Brazil Energy Meeting, realizado em Houston, Texas, durante a Offshore Techology Conference. 

O evento contou com a participação do sócio fundador da banca, Dr. Leandro Luzone, que representou o escritório perante clientes e parceiros. 

O Brazil Energy Meeting já conta com várias edições e é um dos mais prestigiados do setor durante a semana da realização do OTC, por unir toda a Indústria do Óleo e Gás, sobretudo aquela vinculada às empresas brasileiras. 

Dentre os participantes do evento, estavam presentes diversas empresas do setor, além de representantes da Embaixada dos Estados Unidos, Agência Nacional de Petróleo e o Ministério de Minas e Energia. 

A Luzone Legal está sempre presente em Houston para atender seus clientes e parceiros, bem como participar de todas as atividades vinculadas ao setor de Óleo e Gás.


Luzone Legal is one of the supporters of the Brazil Energy Meeting

Luzone Legal participated in the Brazil Energy Meeting event, held in Houston, Texas, during the Offshore Techology Conference. 

The event was attended by the fouding partner of the bank, Dr. Leandro Luzone, who represented the firm before clients and partners.

The Brazil Energy Meeting already has several editions and is one of the most prestigious in the sector during the week of the OTC, for uniting the entire Oil and Gas industry, especially that linked to Brazilian companies. 

Among the participants of the event, there were several companies in the Sector, as well as representatives of the US Embassy, the National Petroleum Agency and the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Luzone Legal is always present in Houston to serve its customers and partners and participate in all activities related to the Oil and Gas sector. 

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